摘要:The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between personality traits of HSE managers and burnout. In this order, a general hypothesis and five secondary hypotheses are formed. Research method is applied kind and is descriptive aspect of data collection and cross correlation and model-based structural equation. The sample of study has been considered using Cochran formula and included 200 industry executives in Karaj road. The research data were collected using a questionnaire and the validity and reliability is appropriate. Alpha Cronbach coefficients of questionnaire for burnout and personality traits of managers are 0.85 and 0.79 respectively. Findings show that there is a significant relationship between personality traits of managers (OCD - extroversion- Flexibility - Adaptability - Generosity) with burnout and are -0.27, 0.38, -0.41, -0.25, 0.36, and 0.49 respectively. Results suggest that whatever the personality traits of managers be more positive and productive, job burnout in managers becomes less and equals 0.27. In other words, with an increase of one unit in the personality traits of managers, burnout in these people decreases to 0.27.