标题:Acceptability and Antioxidant Activity of Vegetable Leather of Soursop Leaves ( Annona muricata L) and Seaweed ( Eucheuma cottoni ) with Addition of Strawberries ( Fragaria vescal )
摘要:This research was conducted at the Agricultural Biochemistry, Chemistry and Food Nutrition and Agricultural Process Engineering Laboratory, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Andalas University, Padang. The purpose of this research was to know acceptability and antioxidant activity of vegetable leather. Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 6 treatments and 3 replications was used to analyze the data. The treatments are strawberry addition of 0, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35%. The result of this study: (a) Organoleptic: addition 30% strawberry is the most preferred formula with a percentage like and really like of its color is 40%, aroma 30%, taste 65% and texture 50%; (b) Chemical properties analysis: moisture content of 13.52 and 8.75% ash, antioxidant activity 40.04%, alkaloids (+), 1.317% crude fiber. Addition of strawberry in making vegetable leather of soursop leather and seaweed gives a significant effect on the moisture content , antioxidant activity and crude fiber content. Also, it is not significant for alkaloids content.