摘要:Los seísmos que remecieron al territorio chileno entre los siglos XVI y XIX —unidos a la ausencia de explica - ciones racionales sobre las causas que los originaban— llevaron a los pobladores del Reino de Chile, al igual que a muchos habitantes de las ciudades fundadas en el margen occidental del Cinturón Circumpacífico, a interpretarlos como castigos enviados por Dios a consecuencia de sus faltas y pecados terrenales. En consecuencia, algunos grupos debieron recurrir a los designados “abogados celestiales”, especialistas en materias telúricas, para intentar sobreponerse a las situaciones coyunturales generadas después de cada movimiento de la Tierra.
其他摘要:The earthquakes that struck Chile between the 16th and 19th centuries — together with the lack of rational explanations of their causes — led the settlers of the Kingdom of Chile, as well as many inhabitants of the cities founded on the western margin of the Circumpacific Belt, to interpret them as punishments sent by God as a result of their worldly faults and sins. Consequently, some groups had to resort to the designated “celestial lawyers,” specialists in telluric matters, to try to overcome the conjunctural situations generated by every earthquake.
关键词:Chile; desastres; sismos; milagros; imágenes de culto; comportamiento religioso. Chile; disasters; earthquakes; miracles; cult images; religious behavior. Ch...
其他关键词:Chile; disasters; earthquakes; miracles; cult images; religious behavior.