首页    期刊浏览 2024年12月12日 星期四


  • 标题:Un enfoque multicriterio para el diseño de una redpara el transporte de embarques internacionales
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  • 作者:Christopher Mejía Argueta ; Juan Gaytán Iniestra ; María del Pilar Ester Arroyo López
  • 期刊名称:Contaduría y Administración
  • 印刷版ISSN:0186-1042
  • 出版年度:2014
  • 卷号:59
  • 期号:4
  • 页码:193-221
  • 语种:Spanish
  • 出版社:Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  • 摘要:Un reto importante para los fabricantes de autopartes es coor-dinar el abastecimiento desde las diversas zonas geográficasen donde están ubicados sus proveedores. El objetivo de estainvestigación fue el diseño de una red para el servicio de trans-porte donde se consideren tanto el tiempo que los embarquesestán detenidos en aduanas y puntos de transbordo, como lasposibles demoras en la cadena de transporte debido al uso dedistintos modos de transporte. Para asegurar el mejor desempe-ño de la red se formuló un modelo de optimización que consi-dera dos criterios: costo y tiempo, cuya solución fue la estruc-tura de la cadena de transporte para una armadora ubicada enla zona industrial de Toluca que importa autopartes de EstadosUnidos de Norteamérica (E.E.U.U.) para comercializarlas en-tre diversos fabricantes de automóviles que operan en México.Se aprovechó la estructura del problema de optimización paraobtener problemas separables y resolverlo usando relajaciónLagrangiana. Se identificó un conjunto de posibles solucionespara la estructura de la cadena de transporte usando los méto-dos de las ponderaciones y de la ε-restricción; las solucionesobtenidas representan el conjunto de las mejores alternativas apartir de las cuales la gerencia de logística de la empresa puedeelegir la que mejor empata con las necesidades y metas de des-empeño logístico de la empresa.
  • 其他摘要:One of the important challenges for manufacturers and distributors of autoparts is the coor-dination of multiple sourcing areas where their international suppliers are located. Theobjective of this research is the design of a service transportation network that takes intoaccount the time shipments are held at customs and transshipment terminals, as well asthe possible delays due to the use of different transportation modes. To assure the bestperformance of the whole transportation network, a bi-criteria optimization model was for-mulated, the two criteria considered were cost and time. The solution to the model was thestructure of the transportation network to be used by a manufacturer of auto parts locatedin the Toluca industrial zone; this firm imports auto parts produced by suppliers located inthe United States (E.E.U.U.) and commercializes them among multiple automakers. Thestructure of the optimization problem was analyzed to obtain a convenient separable arran-gement and then the problem was solved by using Lagrangian relaxation. A set of possibleefficient solutions for the structure of the transportation network was generated by usingthe weighting method and the ε-constraint method; the resulting solutions represent the setof best alternatives from which the logistics managers may choose the service network thatbest attends the needs and logistics performance goals of the firm.
  • 关键词:Red para el servicio de transporte; transporteintermodal; abasto internacional; optimización con múltiplescriterios. Service transportation network; intermod...
  • 其他关键词:service transportation network; intermodal transportation; international sour-cing; multicriteria optimizationOne of the important challenges for manufacturers and distributors of autoparts is the coor-dination of multiple sourcing areas where their international suppliers are located. Theobjective of this research is the design of a service transportation network that takes intoaccount the time shipments are held at customs and transshipment terminals; as well asthe possible delays due to the use of different transportation modes. To assure the bestperformance of the whole transportation network; a bi-criteria optimization model was for-mulated; the two criteria considered were cost and time. The solution to the model was thestructure of the transportation network to be used by a manufacturer of auto parts locatedin the Toluca industrial zone; this firm imports auto parts produced by suppliers located inthe United States (E.E.U.U.) and commercializes them among multiple automakers. Thestructure of the optimization problem was analyzed to obtain a convenient separable arran-gement and then the problem was solved by using Lagrangian relaxation. A set of possibleefficient solutions for the structure of the transportation network was generated by usingthe weighting method and the ε-constraint method; the resulting solutions represent the setof best alternatives from which the logistics managers may choose the service network thatbest attends the needs and logistics performance goals of the firm. Keywords: Service transportation network; intermodal transportation; international sour-cing; multicriteria optimization.