摘要:Physiological mediators of human host such as androgenic hormones interfere pathogenic fungal growth. It has been revealed that the growth of yeasts as well as of dermatophytes is influenced by human androgenic hormones in vitro. In this reason for in vivo condition, the andrgenic hormones level must be measured in patients with dermatophytosis and healthy individuals. To this purpose we measured the levels of testosterone, androstendione dihydroepianderosterone sulfate (DHEA-S) of 46 male patients with dermatophytosis due to Edidermophyton floccocosum by ELISA method. After determination of mentioned hormone concentration in serum statistical analyses were conducted. Using SPSS for windows, version 10. The most important result in our study was the low serum testosterone concentration in patients with Edidermophyton floccosum. Therefore the measuring of this hormone in patients with chronic dermatophytosis can be useful in treatment and control the disease.