Calculating total cast of bank resources procurement methods which include current -free loan deposit, saving interest-free loan deposit, regular and net short-term investment deposit, long-term investment deposit and surety bond cash deposit and presenting their optimal integration require precise scientific studies. Hence, this study is an attempt to know which methods are the best optimal integration banking resources. Linear and ideal planning techniques are used to find an optimal solution according to existing mathematical models. We use three algorithms to construct mathematical models. In the suggested mathematical models, linear planning has 6 variables and 2 constraints in getting no information algorithm and 6 variables and 7 constraints in getting information algorithm and the problem is solved by WINQSB software. But, 6 variables and 8 constraints are solved by LINGO8 software. The results of the study show that presenting an optimal integration of resources procurement methods by using mathematical models is possible and is applicable with regard to determining rational and suitable constraints and ideals for all resource procurement methods. In addition, with regard to the calculation and investigation of procurement cost in financial procurement methods, it is found out that total cost (i.e. real operational cost plus nonoperational cost) is the basis of judgment for studying resource procurement cost. Further, as with the total cost of resource procurement methods, current interest-free loan deposit and long-term investment deposit are the most expensive methods while surety bond cash deposit is the cheapest resource procurement method and other methods fall in between.