摘要:Detached breakwaters, made with wave-dissipating concrete blocks such as Tetrapods, have been widely applied in Japan, but the effectiveness of such kinds of detached breakwaters on tsunami disaster prevention has never been discussed in detail.A numerical wave flume called CADMAS-SURF has been developed for advanced maritime structure design.CADMAS-SURF has been applied mainly to ordinary wave conditions such as wind waves, and little attempt has been made for expanding its application to tsunami waves.In this study, the applicability of CADMAS-SURF for evaluating the effectiveness of detached breakwaters on a solitary tsunami wave reduction is investigated by comparing the calculated results with those from hydraulic experiments.First, the effectiveness of a detached breakwater on the reduction of wave height and wave pressure was confirmed both by hydraulic experiments and numerical simulations.Finally, CADMAS-SURF has been found to be a useful tool for evaluating the effects of detached breakwaters on tsunami wave height and pressure reduction, as a first step in a challenging study. Key words Tsunami solitary wave detached breakwater seawall numerical simulation hydraulic model test.
关键词:Tsunami ;solitary wave ;detached breakwater ;seawall ;numerical simulation ;hydraulic model test