摘要:There has been growinginterest in workplace spiritualitytheory. However, research haspredominantly been focused on USAand Canada, except some recentinitiatives. Taking it into account, thepurpose of this study is to delve intohow Brazilian workers see, perceive,and define workplace spirituality. Byemploying a phenomenologicalapproach, this study found 34 corethemes, 12 of which were alsoidentified in a previous investigationconducted by Marques et al. (2007), namely: trust, openness, kindness(compassion and friendship), honesty,moral and ethics, a sense of peaceand harmony, aesthetically pleasingwork environment, team orientation,understanding, faith in god, respect,and truth. The remaining 22 themes -which constitute the novelcontribution of this study - are as follows: fun, love, well-being, a senseof religiosity, serenity, socialresponsibility, tolerance, sincerity,meaning of work, higher values,human valuing, coherent attitudes,common interests and objectives,politeness, willing to offer guidanceand be an example, stimulatingenvironment, listening to and belistened, praying habit, patience,positive energies and thoughts,concerns with other’s well-being, andthe spirit of solidarity. In addition,this research design enabled to makesome comparisons between twodistinct cultural contexts (i.e.,Brazilian and American), whichcontributes to broaden the crosscultural management knowledge.
关键词:spirituality; organizations; mission; values; work; God; and religion.