出版社:Asociatia Generala a Economistilor din Romania - AGER
摘要:Today, the role of CIO in local government is becoming increasingly important. In the last 25 years there was among theorists and practitioners a significant increase in the volume of studies on the powers and role of the CIO in the public entities which are facing different challenges from those in the private sector. One of the major challenges of the implementation of e-local governance is the lack of a shared vision to lead to structural and functional changes necessary for an integrated management to ensure the progress of the local community. This paper provides a successful model on how to overcome the problems and challenges derived from the implementation of IT strategy in the Municipality of Bucharest and the central role of the CIO (Chief Information Officer) or the person who is in a similar position.
关键词:sustainable development; local authorities; Municipality of Bucharest; CIO; IT Strategy.