出版社:Academy of Economic Studies - Bucharest, Romania
摘要:The management of labeling food products represents a complex process, with multiple social implications. The label of the product represents its “the visit card”, a real and visible proof of the attention paid by the producer to the consumers. The label represents, recommends the product and reflects the producer’ s image, modifies the consumer’ s perception. The label represents the main source of information for the consumer , a simple and fast means of orientation open products. The veracity of information represents an ethical problem as the consumer cannot check the information, and the producer must assume the responsibility of informing correctly the consumer . Starting with respecting two of the consumer’ s fundamental rights - to be completely, correctly and precisely informed upon the main (essential) characteristics of products, so it would allow consumers to make the right choice according to their wishes and personal needs and to be educated as consumers - we can assu- me that the ethics of labeling process and educa- tion represents a sine qua non condition qua non for accomplishing in practice the social policy regarding the consumer protection.
关键词:the ethics of the management; oflabeling; consumer’s protection; education; legislation.