出版社:Academy of Economic Studies - Bucharest, Romania
摘要:Waste is a continually growing problem at global and regional as well as at local levels. Solid wastes arise from human activities that are normally discarded as useless or unwanted. As the result of rapid increase in production and consumption, urban society rejects and generates solid material regularly which leads to considerable increase in the volume of waste generated from several sources. Solid wastes have the potential to pollute all the vital components of living environment at local and at global levels. In these conditions, proper management of solid waste is a central pillar of far-sighte ]d, sustainable environmental policies. The priority was given to waste minimization, recycle, and reuse followed by the safe disposal of waste to minimize pollution. Inadequate management of municipal waste results in considerable public health hazards and additional costs in both the short and the long term. Therefore the society appeals to solid waste management which brings aspects respecting the optimisation of material flows regarding economic, technical and environmental parameters. The authors aim to highlight some aspects concerning solid waste typology and management, European Union’s present policy based on waste hierarchy, Romania’s place regarding other member states with respect to waste disposal, recycling, recovery and reuse as well as a good practice set, which may contribute to increasing solid waste recycling rate.
关键词:solid waste management; typology of waste; recycling; good practices