期刊名称:International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications(IJACSA)
出版社:Science and Information Society (SAI)
摘要:A typical drainage pattern is an arrangement of river segment in a drainage basin and has several contributing identifiable features such as leaf segments, intermediate segments and bifurcations. In studies related to morphological assessment of drainage pattern for estimating channel capacity, length, bifurcation ratio and contribution of segments to the main stream, association of order with the identified segment and creation of attribute repository plays a pivotal role. Strahler’s (1952) proposed an ordering technique that categories the identified stream segments into different classes based on their significance and contribution to the drainage pattern. This work aims at implementation of procedures that efficiently associates order with the identified segments and creates a repository that stores the attributes and estimates of different segments automatically. Implementation of such techniques not only reduces both time and effort as compared to that of manual procedures, it also improves the confidence and reliability of the results.