期刊名称:E-Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Udayana
出版社:E-Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Udayana
摘要:Mechanism of Rice Adaptation at Drought Stress Conditions and Effort to Prevent CropFailureHarvest losses of rice caused by drought is about 15-20% every year, so it needs rice varieties thatcan adapt to the conditions referred to in order to harvest losses can be reduced. To get the ricevarieties that can adapt to environmental conditions such as drought, then the required information inadvance about the properties owned by the rice plant varieties capable of responding to droughtconditions. This paper is organized with the aim to study the mechanisms of adaptation of plant varietiesof rice in drought stress conditions. Adaptation mechanisms are grouped into two main groups namely,anatomy morphological adaptation mechanism and physiology biochemical mechanisms of metabolicadaptation. Morphological adaptation mechanisms include anatomic distribution properties and rootgrowth, maintain plant water potential, canopy temperature, the leaves curl and abort. Biochemicaladaptation mechanisms include metabolic physiology traits ability to synthesize secondary metabolitessuch as ethylene and abscisic acid, osmotic adjustments such as increasing accumulation of sugars,amino acids and proline. Furthermore, to prevent crop failure takes effort to implement cultivationtechniques schedules and cropping patterns, planting drought-resistant varieties, and the addition oforganic matter.