出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
摘要:This article studies two opposing tendencies in the lexical choices of translators. While at times the selection of vocabulary unfolds the literary traditions of source texts, on other occasions translators deploy target poetic registers that are absent from the source text. The authors illustrate these strategies with attention to two medieval Catalan authors: Bernat Metge ( ca. 1348- 1413) and Ausiàs March (1400-1459). Metge wrote his Llibre de Fortuna i Prudència ( ca. 1381) in a Romance genre of considerable Occitan ascent. Latin works, however, were the actual source of inspiration for key components of his work, including vocabulary and idiomatic expressions. The translation of March’s poetry during the early-modern period offers a complementary perspective. March’s Renaissance translators and imitators carefully selected certain words for their renditions of March’s verses in view of the significance of those terms for the poetic culture of their own time.