摘要:This paper identified various dimensions of entrepreneurial orientation and investigated the influence of gender and locus of control on entrepreneurial orientation among Kashmiri youths. The participants in this study were two hundred students (55 percent males and 45 percent females) of Kashmir in theage group of 18-25 studying commerce and/or management at various institutions within Kashmir (127) and outside Kashmir (73). Dimensions of Entrepreneurial Orientation were analyzed using principal component analysis and seven hypotheses were tested using various statistical techniques includingindependent sample ‘t’ test, and Spearman’s correlation. The findings showed that a significant difference existed between internal locus of control and entrepreneurial orientation; significant difference existed between youths studying in the state and youths studying outside the state regardingentrepreneurial orientation and there was no significant difference in the entrepreneurial orientation based on gender differences. On the basis of the findings, state is advised to facilitate entrepreneurial environment at home turf, society is advised to promote women entrepreneurship and potential entrepreneurs are advised to take cognizance of their personality, since it can go a long way to determine the success or failure of an enterprise, society, state and nation.
关键词:entrepreneurship; entrepreneurial orientation; locus of control