期刊名称:International Journal of Wireless and Microwave Technologies(IJWMT)
出版社:MECS Publisher
摘要:Convergecast communication is used in many sensor applications .The flow of data in convergecast routing is from many to one i.e. many sensory nodes sense the data and send through parent child relation to the root node or sink node. Convergecast routing is always followed by broadcasting. In broadcast communication is from one to many and in convergecast it is from many to one. As sensor nodes have limited battery capacity main focus is to save energy. As compare to wired network wireless network is prone to attacks and it is less reliable than the wired network. This paper investigates the affect of header length of network layer on the BER, SNIR, backoff duration, SNR and latency of convergecast routing with the help of omnet++ simulator.
关键词:Wireless Sensor Network;Convergecast routing;header length;Omnet++ Simulator;Back off and BER