摘要:Apparent, scattering, and intrinsic S -wave attenuations ( Q −1 S , Q −1 scat and Q −1 int ) of the upper lithosphere in the Kanto region of Japan were measured in the 1- to 32-Hz frequency range using Multiple Lapse Time Window Analysis (MLTWA) for 115 borehole seismograms of local earthquakes. A new set of time windows for MLTWA, in which multiple isotropic scattering is assumed, was proposed and employed to estimate the frequency dependence of S -wave attenuation parameters. Scattering attenuation was found to dominate intrinsic attenuation in the S -wave attenuation mechanism at low frequencies ( 8 Hz, which implies the self-similar nature of short-wavelength heterogeneities in the upper lithosphere. In terms of the upper lithosphere of the Kanto region, these results may indicate that the random heterogeneities characterized by the Gaussian autocorrelation function with a fractional fluctuation ε ≈ 10% and a correlation length a ≈ 2 km are superimposed on the weak background self-similar heterogeneity.
关键词:S-wave attenuation ;scattering attenuation ;intrinsic attenuation ;heterogeneities in the upper lithosphere ;Multiple Lapse Time Window Analysis