摘要:The three-dimensional distribution of fluids and melts under the NE Japan arc was imaged using its resistivity structure, modeled with geomagnetic transfer functions.The data were collected at 37 stations located on a 20-km grid, at periods ranging from 16 to 256 s.In spite of the narrow period band nature, these periods turn out to be sensitive to conductors in the deep crust and upper mantle.The geomagnetic transfer functions represent lateral resistivity variations, which yield inherently nonunique model results when using the geomagnetic transfer functions alone.However, by fixing the resistivity structure of the surrounding seawater distribution, the intrinsic nonuniqueness is alleviated.In this study, we show an inversion result using a 100-Ωm uniform Earth with fixed resistivity of surrounding oceans.As a result, it was found that the features of the short period transfer function require shallow conductors in the upper crust, which is suggested to represent the northern Tohoku conducting belt of a previous study.The final model is characterized by a highly conductive zone along the quaternary volcanic arc in the depth range of the lower crust to the upper mantle.The conductor, which is obtained mainly from the features of longer-period data, is particularly clear beneath the Sengan geothermal area.The deep crustal conductor implies the existence of partial melt and/or high-salinity fluids.
关键词:NE Japan ;Quaternary volcanoes ;Arc magma ;3-D modeling ;Electrical resistivity