摘要:Tropospheric scintillation is a phenomenon that will cause signal degradation in satellite communication with low fade margin.Few studies of scintillation have been conducted in tropical regions.To analyze tropospheric scintillation, we obtain data from a satellite link installed at Bandung, Indonesia, at an elevation angle of 64.7° and a frequency of 12.247 GHz from 1999 to 2000.The data are processed and compared with the predictions of several well-known scintillation prediction models.From the analysis, we found that the ITU-R model gives the lowest error rate when predicting the scintillation intensity for fade at 4.68%.However, the model should be further tested using data from higher-frequency bands, such as the K and Ka bands, to verify the accuracy of the model.
关键词:Tropospheric scintillation ;Ku band ;Satellite communication ;Tropical climate