摘要:Web service composition is an error prone task. Basedon CP-nets (colored petri net)models, an approach of test case generation is proposed for webservice compositions coded in BPEL. In this approach the semanticof BPEL concurrence and some special features are well dealt. Firstly, BPELprocesses of a web service composition is translated into CP-nets models, then depth-firsttraversal works on the models immediately, and results in some sequence testpaths. Secondly, after these sequence test paths merged into program executable units (PEUfor short), the constraint set of these units is solved and filtered and formedinto test cases. Finally, anapplication of the approach is illustrated with anexample, which more efficiency shownwith 7 test units less than 9 test paths appeared in a reference for sameexample, 3 test cases far less than formal works.
关键词:web service composition;test case generation;CP-nets;state space explosion;BPEL.