摘要:The current study examined the relationship between Iranian EFL teachers’ trait EI (trait EI) and Self-efficacy. To this end, 336 teachers were asked to complete “Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire–Short Form (TEIQue–SF)” (Petrides and Furnham, 2006) and “Teacher Sense of Efficacy Scale (TSES)” (Tschannen-Moran & Woolfolk Hoy, 2001). Pearson product-moment correlation showed a significant relationship between trait EI and self-efficacy. Trait EI subconstructs also showed significant relationship with Self-efficacy subconstructs as well as total self-efficacy. To investigate which subconstructs of trait emotional intelligence might have more predictive power in predicting teacher’s self-efficacy, regression analysis was run. Results revealed all subconstructs of trait EI to be moderate predictors of Self-efficacy. In addition, the ANOVA were employed to investigate the influence of teachers’ age, gender, and years of teaching experience on EI and Self-efficacy. Results showed teachers with more years of teaching experience to have achieved higher levels in both trait EI and self-efficacy. However no effect of EFL teachers’ age, gender and their interactions on teachers’ trait EI and Self-efficacy were observed.