摘要:Tables Authors Véronique Ezratty * David Ormandy Service des études médicales (SEM) d’EDF 45, rue Kleber 92300 Levallois-Perret France * Reprints Key words: air pollution, indoor, cold temperatures, health, hot temperatures, housing DOI : 10.1684/ers.2015.0785 Page(s) : 221-9 Published in: 2015 In this second part of our paper, we review human and building factors that increase the risks of health impact of exposure to excess cold and excess heat in housing and the range of responses to reduce these risks. This shows that most human factors and some building characteristics that increase susceptibility are common to low and to high temperatures. The human factors include age, gender, some physical and mental health conditions, isolation, low social-economic status, people with mobility problems, and being unaware of precautionary actions. The building factors include inadequate thermal insulation, and inappropriate provision for heating and for ventilation. These observations should encourage social, building and health sectors to adopt a more integrated approach to provide protection for those most at risk from exposure to low and high temperatures.
关键词:air pollution; indoor; cold temperatures; health; hot temperatures; housing