About the time at Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, the Hanaore, Nishiyama, and Obaku fault that pass through urban area in Kyoto city have been activate, so it is necessary to act against the huge disaster in the urban area, Kyoto city. This area has a lot of traditional wooden houses and dead-end street, so it is vulnerable for the disaster. But we can't change the townscape only to prevent damage in a disaster because it is one of the cultural assets in Japan. Furthermore most of people living there hope to keep on living the same place in their lives, but they are so old and not so rich that they can't repair their living environment themselves. Therefore we have to consider risk mitigation plans after a disaster in these areas. In this plan, it is essential to regard aged people as exposures, because most of them have physical handicaps in daily life, and cannot avoid many difficulties in a disaster. In this paper, our purpose is to denote a provision against a huge disaster risk in the target area. Firstly we suggest the vulnerable area index based on the townscape and show the vulnerable area in the target area. Secondly we denote a pattern of life style of aged people based on our original questionnaire and discuss the construction of community for risk mitigation of aged person. Community is classified into two types: inhabit point based community and facility based community. And then we explain that both communities are complementary. But in traditional research, the importance of former community was only pointed out. So we focus the importance of latter one and their complementary relationship. Finally, we show facilities that can be core place of facility based community and analyze the layout of facility based community for aged person using Voronoi diagrams.