The purpose of this study was to investigate following four hypotheses.(1) Students who do career decision-making have ideal self-concept in vocational context, and they aim at actualizing the ideal self-concept.(2) While making career decisions, they recognize the gap between either ideal self-concept and actual self-concept, or ideal self-concept and social context or both ideal self-concept and actual self-concept, and ideal self-concept and social context. After recognizing them, they cope with those gaps.(3) While making career decisions, they think over their ideal self-concept, actual self-concept, and social context.(4) Through career decision-making, their ideal self-concept in vocational context gets clarified. Twenty-nine senior university students were interviewed, and the results were as follows. Hypothesis (1) and hypothesis (4) weresupPorted, and hypothesis (2) and hypothesis (3) were partly supported. Finally, these four analyses were unified, and a hypothetical model of integrating ideal self-concept and actual self-concept, ideal self-concept and social context was proposed.