The paper examines the extent to which consumer demography, religiosity and porting behaviour predict consumer switching behaviour (CSB) in the context of mobile subscribers from an emerging market perspective. Drawing from relevant literature, a predictive model was developed to test the influence of demography, religiosity and porting behaviour on CSB. Empirical data were collected through a cross-sectional survey design involving 736 mobile subscribers from six telecoms in Ghana. Data were analysed using binary logistics regression to test the proposed model. The results indicate that the effect of some demographics (age, income and length of relationship) and porting behaviour were statistically significant in predicting mobile subscribers’ switching behaviour, while other demographics (gender, education, marital status and phone use experience) and religiosity did not contribute to predicting switching behaviour of mobile subscribers in Ghana. The theoretical and managerial implications of this study are discussed. The limitations of this study offer avenues for future research.