标题:Perceptions of business on the Role of Management Information System (MIS) Based Information Technology (IT) at the Vocational High School Administration Management Mojokerto
摘要:Persepsi Pengelola terhadap Peran Sistem Informasi Manajemen (SIM) Berbasis Teknologi Informasi (TI) pada Pengelolaan Administrasi Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Kota Mojokerto Abstract: The role of management of information systems based on information technology is very important in school management in improving the quality of services, processes, and student achievement.Therefore, this study aimed to uncover and describe perceptions of the role of manager of IT-based SIM in the vocational administration school in Mojokerto.This research uses descriptive quantitative research design and performed in 9 vocational schools in Mojokerto with 45 managers of academic administration as a population.The sampling technique used is saturated samples (the entire population were sampled).The Results of this study are: (1) In general, the perception of the role of manager of IT-based SIM dalampengelolaan relatively important SMK administration, shown by the average (mean) score = 144.22 (or 72.11% and categorized important); (2) there is a distribution manager answers perception of the role of IT in the management of SIM-based vocational diverse academic administration.These results demonstrated by the high standard deviation value is 16.419.Based on the findings, some suggestions that can be submitted are: (1) the principal to continue to improve the utilization of IT in the management of SIM-based academic administration of the school, and (2) the Department of Education can take the policy relating to the use of SIM-based implementation of IT in the management academic administration at SMK SMK which to date has not done.
关键词:persepsi pengelola; sistem informasi manajemen; teknologi informasi; administrasi sekolah menengah kejuruan