摘要:Proses Scaffolding Berdasarkan Diagnosis Kesulitan Siswa dalam Menyelesaikan Masalah Program Linear dengan Menggunakan Mapping Mathematic Abstract: Diagnosis difficulties are important for teachers in teaching.By making a diagnosis, the teacher can know in which part of students experiencing difficulties and then provide appropriate alternative solutions.Diagnosis can be done by using mathematic mapping.The subjects were students of class XI Agribusiness Program Ruminant SMKN I Maesan Bondowoso as many as six students were selected based on an error in diagnostic tests and communication skills.This research data is the result of students' work, recording during the test and the scaffolding, important notes, and sheets scaffolding.Accumulated data is done by testing techniques, interviews, and provide scaffolding.The provision of scaffolding in this study as the scaffolding strategies expressed by Anghilery.Activity data analysis is a data reduction step, step presentation of data, and conclusions step data.Based on the results of the study, it is found that the provision of scaffolding in part difficult experienced by students can reduce / eliminate the difficulties students.