标题:Apoyo a la selección de emplazamientos óptimos de edificios. Localización de un edificio universitario mediante el Proceso Analítico Jerárquico (AHP)
出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
摘要:One of these new fields in which the GIS becomes necessary, it is the effective administration and management of urban spaces and buildings, so much from environmental view point, with sustainable development; as from their infrastructures maintenance, generating immediate solutions to urgent problems.In this work we use the AHP, Analytical Hierarchy Process, with GIS data to determine, on different approaches based on different attributes, as is the more appropriate emplacement to build urban equipment.In this case, a library, in the Campus of Montegancedo of the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, where it is located the Facultad de Informática.The AHP, Analytical Hierarchy Process is a mathematical base tool that allows structuring a multicriterion problem in visual form.The goal tried is to conclude that with the application of this type of decision tools can be obtained a greater fairness and space efficiency in the final result of the decision on the buildings emplacement, at the same time as the possible negative effects are reduced on the environment in a special protection zone.
关键词:proyectos arquitectónicos; sistemas de apoyo a la decisión (EMC); SIG; análisis ambiental; planeamiento; Proceso Analítico Jerárquico (AHP)
其他关键词:architectural projects; decision support methods (EMC); GIS; environmental analysis; land and site planning; Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)