出版社:Canadian Academy of Oriental and Occidental Culture
摘要:Basic level party organizations in universities are thefoundation and guarantee for educational principlesand policies of the party. This paper expounds therole of basic level party organizations in collegesand universities, including the guidance of educationmanagement, coordinating and balancing the interestsand providing service guarantee. Current situation andproblems of basic level party construction in collegesand universities are analyzed with the actual surveydata. Main problems are that team construction isnot harmonious, scientific and effective managementsystem is scarce, which reasons include the influenceof social environment, the backward of strategicplanning, and the faultiness of incentive mechanism.Accordingly, on the basis of systematic analysis, weput forward the “four building”, namely “to build theright strategic concept and values, to build the partymembers’ long-term education training mode, to build ascientific performance evaluation model and build openand clear communication platform” so as to promotethe innovation and development of basic level partyconstruction in colleges and universities. Finally, baseon the perspective of strategic management, we shape“1+4” strategic framework of the basic level partyconstruction in colleges and universities and stressthe “four construction” system integration to realizethe innovation and development of basic level partyconstruction.
关键词:University; Basic level party construction; Four building; Strategic management; Innovation