This article discusses the present special issue on “Classroom Education and Cognitive Science” presented in the Cognitive Studies Journal in September 2009, and also answers questions about the workshop related to the special issue held in September 2009. We have created a special needs education program using E-Learning for students experiencing learning difficulties in regular classrooms. Therefore, we discuss three kinds of issues from the viewpoint of the special needs education. First, we discussed the advantage of practical research in classroom education. It is important that researchers go to the school and give the experimental class directly. Second, we focus on the application of practical research in special needs education. Practical research can contribute greatly to special needs education, thought it is seldom used in this application. We therefore discuss practical research currents being conducted. Finally, we focused on the utilization of technology in special needs education. We used an E-Learning system in our previous researches concerning children with developmental disabilities. Here we focus on the possibilities of new technology which can support learning in special needs education.