Japan Marine Science and Technology Center plans to execute TLP sea test in this and next years. The site is 40 m deep and 3 km off Yura harbor, Yamagata prefecture. An outline of the TLP and the basic design results are described in the 2 nd report. In the tension mooring system, the rubber-chain which is a chain filled and covered with an elastomer, will be applied in order to absorb the shock loads, and prevent the mooring line from locally abrasing. This paper presents the fundamental test results of the rubber and the detail design and 1/3 model tests results of the rubber-chain. The tension elasticity of the rubber-chain is widely disposable with rubber hardness and the allowance ratio which is defined as the ratio of the rubber parts got between the chain links to the total rubber-chain length. In this design, the rubber hardness 50 and the allowance 26 mm are finally selected for the 10 m long and φ 50 grade IV chain.