Springing is not fully explainable on linear exciting force. Several authors have proposed the methods to calculate nonlinear exciting force related to the springing, but many of them are not satisfactory from the hydrodynamic point of view, as Tasai has pointed out.Moreover in the experimental technique, there seems to exist some room for further improvement. The purposes of this investigation are (1) to confirm the springing phenomena, especially higher-order resonance by the model test, (2) to calculate nonlinear hydrodynamic force as two-dimensional wave-making problem, (3) to apply this hydrodynamic force to the analysis of the ship-hull vibration, and (4) to compare the calculated vibratory response with the experimental results. The model used in this investigation is one-body made of hard rubber. The experimental data show occurence of springing in superharmonic resonance. The frequency components of the vibratory responses (acceleration, pressure, bending moment in midship section, and encounter wave) are detected by Fourier analysis. The calculation method of second-order force is in accordance with Lee's papers. It provides an approximate value because in headwave the strict solution of the two-dimensional diffraction problem has not been obtained. The calculation of the vibratory response in second-order resonance gives fairly good agreement with experimental data. It seems necessary to treat springing phenomena as hydrodynamic wave-making problem.