Series tests were performed for eleven mathematical hull forms to investigate the relationship of the principal particulars and wave resistance, by wave pattern analysis. In the previous paper, the results of wave resistance, residual resistance, dipping and form factor on the frictional resistance were mainly presented for these models, and some consequences were compared with the results of linearized theory. In this paper, from the different angle than the previous one, directly measured wave resistance is firstly compared with calculated wave resistance by Michell's theory, and also the experimental results are shown for the amplitude functions and spectra of ship waves, which are compared with the results calculated by Michell's theory and by the method of source distribution on the hull surface. Some examinations are made how closely the principle of linear superposition of free waves is realized. Further, the comparisons in the amplitude functions and spectra are shown for two thin ships, one is added to the fore part and the other to the after part of an original hull form respectively.