From the results of polarized absorption spectra and MO calculations, the electronic structures of p -diethylamino and p -nitro substituted benzenediazonium cations (The unsubstituted cation is abbreviated to BAF, and the p -diethylamino and p -nitro substituted cations to p -BAF-N (C2H5) 2 and p -BAF-NO2, respectively.) have been discussed. The first and second excited states wavefunctions (Ψ01 and Ψ02) of BAF belong to 1 B 2 and 1A1 ( C2υ pdint group), respectively. The first excited state wavefunction (Ψ1) of p -BAF-NO2 is a type of 1B2 symmetry and corresponds to Ψ01 of BAF, while Ψ1, of p -BAF-N (C2H5) 2 is of 1A1 symmetry and corresponds to Ψ02 of BAF, i, e., the origin of the first singlet excited state of p -BAF-NO2 is quite different from that of p -BAF-N (C2H5) 2. The differences in the photochemical reactivities in both compounds may be attributable to the differences in the nature of the first excited states.