Electric conductivity of thiocyanate, thiosulfate, and sulfate in the presence of gelatin and of polyvinyl alcohol and that of the salt solutions neither containing gelatin nor polyvinyl alcohol was measured. Amount of adsorption was calculated from the observed values. The adsorption of thiocyanate salt on gelatin increased in the order, KSCN>NH4SCN, NaSCN23 and that of the salts on polyvinyl alcohol did in the order KSCN, NaSCN4SCN2 < Al (SCN) 3. The order of adsorption of sulfate ion in the case of gelatin was (NH4) 2SO42SO44, AlK (SO4) 2, MgSO4. The adsorption of thiocyanate ion was small in the case of the salt which had a short clearing time and had a large ionic mobility. The orders of adsorption on polyvinyl alcohol and on gelatin were nearly equall. In the case of sulfate, aluminum ion was most adsorbed on gelatin, and magnesium ion was adsorbed on polyvinyl alcohol greatly. In the case of the 3% gelatin solution and 3% polyvinyl alcohol one, the amount of adsorbed ammonium thiosulfate was larger than that of ammonium thiocyanate.