It has been recognized that metabolic enzymes mediating genetic susceptibility to environmental chemicals such as polychlorinated dibenzo- p -dioxins, polychlorinated dibenzofurans and polychlorinated biphenyls might be related to adverse human health. Recent studies, including the Hokkaido Study of Environmental and Children’s Health, have shown that metabolic enzymes mediating genetic susceptibility to environmental chemicals including tobacco smoke might be related to adverse birth outcomes. Certain maternal genetic polymorphisms in the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)-metabolizing enzymes have been shown to enhance the association between maternal smoking and infant birth weight in both Caucasians and Japanese. For maternal genetic polymorphisms encoding the N -nitrosamine-metabolizing enzymes, we found that infant birth weight, birth length and birth head circumference were significantly smaller among infants of smokers than among those of nonsmokers and quitters. The adverse effects of maternal smoking on infant birth size may be modified by maternal genetic polymorphisms. Further study is required to clarify the potential association between genetic polymorphisms and cognitive function in childhood, becauae it has been reported that a small birth length or a small head circumference at birth might affect neurobehavioral development during early childhood. It is necessary to elucidate additive impacts of genetic factors on adverse effects of various chemicals commonly encountered in our daily lives, follow up the development of children, and carry out longitudinal observation.