The delivery meal services of three communities in Australia have been studied a view to contributing to the development of the similar services in Japan. The above-mentioned services in Australia are implemented under Home And Community Care ACT 1985 (HACC). The stable supply of meals is ensured and the food hygiene is strictly standardized by the organizations that receive the HACC grant. It should be pointed out that the services are developing in conformity to the respective needs of each community. Volunteers play an important role for the success of this system. The voluntary activities are coordinated by the pain staff employed by respective organizations. It is to be noted that the local government of the three communities under study supports the meal delivery services by allowing the organizations to use the operational space at minimal rate. It is safe to state that the federal government in cooperation with the state government has been assisting the development of the services. The authors renew their belief that this study of the delivery meal services in Australia will help develop the similar services in Japan.