This paper aims to analyze the impacts on consumers by the closure of large-scale shopping stores. Studied were how their shopping behavior changed, to what degree they got satisfaction from shopping after the closure, and what types of consumers were most affected. 1) Most affected may be the elderly people living near the city center who used to frequent the closed large-scale shopping center that was within walking or cycling distance from their homes. 2) The consumers had to change their shopping place to supermarkets or suburban shopping centers, and their choice of stores changed from preference to convenience; in other words, some consumers have only limited choice. 3) The elderly consumers living near the city center must feel inconvenience and their shopping satisfaction should be much less than before. 4) It should be pointed out that the opening of suburban large-scale shopping centers are often linked with their closure in the city center. If businesses have their mind on the interests of customers, they should investigate in what way a closure of their business at one place would affect their customers; they should try to balance their interest against their customers' interest.