The objective of this study is to clarify how the nature as well as the contents of a dinner time talk between parents and their children has changed over the years. The children under study are those in elementary school and junior high school. For this purpose, the junior high school students' perception of dinner conversation was surveyed and compared to the results obtained of elementary school children. The results are as follows : 1) Junior high school students have conversation with parents less frequently than when they were elementary school students. The percentage of the students who feel happy or useful about dinner conversation is becoming lower. 2) Overall, the conversation seems to be centered around their entrance examinations; more specifically, their academic achievement and future aspirations. The subjects such as their school life, episodes in their younger days, and political and economic issues are less frequently taken up. 3) Among those students who feel happy and useful about the dinner time talk with parents, the junior high school students would want to talk more about subjects such as their academic achievement in connection with their future, social issues, and things about their parents. 4) There is more significant relevance between the children's image of their parents and the contents of conversation than when they were elementary school students.