“The Rice Terraces Ownership System” was investigated 1 year after it had been intorduced in Asuka Village in Nara in order to clarify the future tasks as well as the efficacy of the exchange between urban dwellers and the villagers. A survey was made by sending a questionnaire to 268 families and groups who applied for the project as well as to 86 owners of over 20 years of age, and to 146 inhabitants of Inabuchi district of also over 20 years of age. It is necessary to examine the policy and plan to link the owners' will for with actual activities of farm work; in other words, the contents of the plan should be enhanced rather than simply increase the number of events. In order to continue to help grow “The Rice Terraces Ownership System, ” it is vital to drow up an improved plan to realize the concept of interactions between urban dwellers and the villagers, and the opinions for both the users and the providers. It is necessary to overcome the existing problems for making the project long lasting.