The provision of daily meals for the elderly by the Social Welfare Conference (SWC) in the city area is managed and administered by private enterprise, the social welfare corporation and non-profit organizations (NPOs), there being little participation by SWC itself. In contrast, the meal provision in the outlying areas is managed and administered by SWC. These different methods provide greater operating efficiency in the city area and better local cohesion in the outlying areas. Safety checks on the elderly in the city area are made by a method determined by SWC and the consignment point, and by cooperation between SWC and area in the outlying areas. The menu is adapted in some cases to provide a suitable therapeutic diet. The availability of meal options that provide softer and smaller dishes to make them easier to chew requires time and manpower. The organization in the city area gives the flexibility to achieve this. The daily meal delivery service provided by SWC can be classified into four types according to its organization and management, with differing levels of involvement by the local administration, SWC, area, and private enterprise.