The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of short-term affect resulting from a physical education class on long-term affect and self-efficacy for exercise. Thirty-seven male university students who attended a physical education class were recruited as participants. The class was conducted once a week for twelve weeks, and four evaluation scales were used: The Waseda Affect Scale of Exercise and Durable Activity (WASEDA), the Feeling Scale (FS), which is an affect scale for assessing the acute affects of exercise, the Japanese version of the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) to assess long-term affect, and the self-efficacy for exercise scale to assess the self-efficacy of maintaining exercise behavior. The participants rated the WASEDA and the FS at the end of each class session, and then we calculated the average score of each affect for these two scales. They responded to the PANAS and the self-efficacy for exercise scale at the end of the whole physical education program. It was found that Positive Affect as rated by the PANAS after the class was related to the average score for Positive Engagement. Furthermore, the average score for Positive Engagement was related to self-efficacy for exercise after the class. On the other hand, the average score for Negative Affect (WASEDA), Tranquility, and Pleasantness was not related to long-term affect or exercise self-efficacy after the class. In conclusion, the present study identified the importance of positive engagement in a physical education class. Future studies should explore the exercise prescription for obtaining activated and positive engagement along with acute exercise.