In this report, following the preceding papers (1), (2), the large plastic deformations of the corrugated bulkhead are discussed under non-centric transverse impact such as considered inelastic imp act when all edges of the bulkhead are clamped or supported. We are first concerned about both maximum deflections and deformations, in the case of plate meterial having ideal characteristics of plastic bending moment Mp (θ) such as expressed by Mpδ γ1 × (1+γ2θ), then the distribution of permanent strains after impact along the longitudinal axis of corrugated bulkhead under the impulsive load is approximately determined. A series of experiments were carried out using specimens with two kinds of length and with numbers of crests from 4 to 18 when all edges of those specimens are clamped, and their results were compared with the theoretical results for both large permanent deformations and permanent strains, then the close agreements were obtained.