出版社:Japan Society of Circulation Control in Medicine
摘要:The present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of electrical acupuncture(EA) stimulation on heart rate(HR) in humans, especially its reproducibility and the influence of stimulation depth. In eight healthy subjects, an acupuncture needle was inserted to a depth of 5 mm into Ximen(PC4) acupoint on the forearm. EA(5 ms, 1 V) was applied at 2-Hz pulse frequency for 120 sec. Three repeated trials of EA stimulation were performed. In 5 of 8 subjects, the acupuncture needle was also inserted to a depth of 10 mm to investigate the effect of depth of acupuncture stimulation. Two-way ANOVA demonstrated that there was a significant main effect of EA stimulation on HR(F1.7=11.6, p=0.011). The bradycardic effect of EA stimulation was highly correlated between the second and third trials. Similar decreases in HR during EA were found at stimulation depths of 5 and 10 mm, indicating that the bradycardic effect of EA was irrelevant to the depth of EA stimulation in this range. In conclusion, low-frequency EA lowered HR in humans and a highly reproducible HR response during EA was obtained with repeated trials.