Two cases with markedly constricted visual field defect nearly except macular vision due to acute carbon monoxide poisoning have had no trouble in daily life such as riding on a bicycle or catching a ball during about past eighteen years from the accident in 1963. Their visual capacities were cinematographically analysed and with EOG. The both patients were able to “see” objects in movement and moreover to reach their hands to the static targets in the peripheral “blind” field presented from the back of them. CT findings showed or suggested prdominately bilateral parietal lobe lesions. It is infered from the clinical facts that they are compensated the loss of vison with old primitive extrageniculostriate visual system, especially in reaching the hand to the static target in the blind field, though occipital lobe might possibly facilitate the visual function in seeing objects in movement. We have also discussed Balint's syndroms and optic ataxia in constrast with the above-mentioned cases.