The purpose of this research was to consider the effectiveness of intra-individual evaluation (teacher's evaluation) on students' intrinsic motivation, and to compare the relative effectiveness of intra-individual evaluation, absolute evaluation, relative evaluation, and non-evaluation and to reconfirm the effect of the intra-individual evaluation and self-evaluation on intrinsic motivation. Two experiments were conducted in first grade classes of a junior high school. Experiment I demonstrated the effectiveness of the intra-individual evaluation on students' intrinsic motivation when compared with absolute evaluation, relative evaluation, and non-evaluation. Experiment II examined the effect of teacher evaluation, and student self-evaluation on intrinsic motivation. The results yielded significant main effects of teacher evaluation and student self-evaluation on students' intrinsic motivation. The results suggested that it was important to consider both teacher evaluation (intra-individual evaluation) and self-evaluation to enhance students' intrinsic motivation