Presently, the number of female workers is incresing in Japan. In addition, social change toward equality among men and women at the workplace becomes accelerated after the enforcement of the EEO statute. But many studies reported that there are discriminations still existing in the organization. The purpose of this study is directed toward examining the equality consciousness of female workers in Aichi Prefecture in fifth year after implementation of the EEO Law of Japan. Amail questionnaire survey was conducted in August 1989. The 318 usable data (response rate 60.4%) were made available for the present study. Results of the analysis indicated that female workers want equality at the workplace, however they think their co-workers do not appreciate their abilities highly. Next, it was found that opinions of female workers can be complex, because they have responsibilities at both offices and homes. Compared with clerical female workers, female managers tend to have more positive expectations of equality, and to place higher values on female workers. Comparing female workers in large-scale companies, those in the small-scale ones tend to have higer possibility to make full use of their capabilities.