The 573 universtiy students in the Central Japan area rated the image of five famous Japanese enterprises on the 7-point bipolar adjective scale and its activity on the 7-point monopolar scale. Factor loadings for all the data sets and correlations of factor scores between sets were estimated simultaneously by the multiset factor analysis. Four factors for the image data sets were interpreted as likeability, dependability, steadiness , and flashiness , while three factors for the activity, as outer activity, inner activity , and excellence in speciality . Correlations between factor scores showed that the organizations perceived high in an inner active dimension tend to have the image of likeability and steadiness, those high in an outer active dimension have flashiness, and those high in an excellence dimension have dependability. Interesting relationships, which were specific to particular organizations, were also found between the perceived activity and the image. For example, excellence in speciality linked closely with flashiness for the auto companies.