This paper describes rehabilitation for traumatic brain injury, drawing upon the infrastructure provided by a state-wide, coordinated network of clinical services in New South Wales, Australia. The first part of the paper provides a contextual background of traumatic brain injury covering the incidence, neuropathology, characteristic patterns of impairment and the recovery process. The second part describes the clinical services, with a particular emphasis placed on the community rehabilitation approach used at the Liverpool Hospital service. Specific therapy programs for neuropsychological and social impairments are described, along with the PsycBITETM resource (the Psychological database of Brain Impairment Treatment Efficacy), available at http://www. psycbite. com . PsycBITETM is an interactive database of all the published reports of nonpharmacological treatments for the psychological consequences of acquired brain impairment. The availability of PsycBITETM facilitates the identification of evidence-based interventions.