Objectives: Work-related psychosocial hazards are associated with adverse health outcomes among workers. The association between psychosocial hazards and physiological health outcomes among laboratory technicians has not been studied previously. The objective of this study was to measure the association between work-related psychosocial hazards and the level of urinary catecholamines of laboratory technicians. Methods: The Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire was distributed to a sample of 125 workers in one community in Lebanon (response rate 73%) to measure psychosocial hazards. High-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) was used to measure adrenaline, noradrenaline and dopamine in 24-hour urine samples. Results: Sensorial demands, insecurity at work, influence at work and low possibilities of development were particularly high among the workers. Linear regression analysis showed that sensorial and quantitative demands and low possibilities for development increased the levels of urinary catecholamines. Discussion: the results suggest important policy implications for laboratory administrations regarding improvement of the exposure of workers to sensorial and quantitative demands and low possibilities for development as a way to improve worker health.(J Occup Health 2013; 55: 398-404)